Elegant, Eco Friendly, Hand Made Furniture
Support Rural Sustainability! Buy chairs hand-made by villagers using fallen wood collected from their land, and recycled plastic chord!

Graminno Furniture is made by villagers in the Graminno Community Makerspace, a workshop located in the small village of Atale, with just hundred mud houses and a population of under 300. The villagers' only livelihood is farm labour from which they earn a measly 300 rupees, and women just 200 rupees.
Under these conditions, the youth prefer to migrate to cities in search of jobs. They often migrate and live in squalid conditions in urban slums, and earn a bare minimum salary that they have to send back to the village to support their families.
Now, with the Graminno workshop in their village, they have started making products that they can build by hand, with materials that are available on their land, or recycled materials that otherwise go into land fills.
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This sustainability project needs your support and encouragement. Please sponsor the project by buying the chairs.
To read more about how the chairs are made, click here!
More furniture options to come soon!